NOTICE: The Solid Waste Agency is not responsible for accidents or damage to vehicles on this property.

Any inoperable or disabled vehicle left on Agency property without the express permission of Agency management may be towed at Agency discretion, at the vehicle owner’s expense.
Any customer seeking staff assistance at Agency facilities may be required to sign a liability waiver, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Cedar Rapids Linn County Solid Waste Agency (Agency) from any and all liability arising out of property damage or personal injury occurring in the event that Agency staff provides assistance with loading, unloading, towing, pushing or pulling of customer vehicles. The Agency reserves the right to refuse assistance if it is the assessment of staff, operators, or management, that such assistance cannot be safely conducted.
All persons using the Agency’s Free Paint, Cleaners, Etc. program do so VOLUNTARILY, and take and use products at THEIR OWN RISK. All products are OFFERED “AS IS”, and are intended to be used according to manufacturer recommendations. When using any hazardous material, please use CAUTION! We offer no warranty, implied or otherwise, including, but not limited to, product suitability for any particular use. The Solid Waste Agency assumes no liability for injury or damage occurring as a result of persons using Agency facilities or services.